Kestrel 5000AG Livestock Environmental Meter for livestock production
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The Kestrel 5000AG is designed to meet the needs of livestock, agriculture and animal health professionals. Producers, growers, veterinarians, and consultants in every field of agriculture will gain vital information regarding micro-climate conditions needed to maximize performance and profitability. This lightweight, handheld, multi-function meter can be used inside and out for spot measurement of current conditions and also tracks and logs over 10,000 sets of time-stamped data. Clip the Kestrel 5000AG into the custom Kestrel 5 Series Rotating Vane Mount and you have a sturdy weather station that can be left in place for days or weeks.
Heat Stress Management with THI
THI, (Temperature-Humidity Index) has been used for decades as a measure to classify heat stress risk in many livestock production and transportation operations. This measurement includes both temperature and relative humidity and is a basis for both strategic and tactical management practices which benefit animal health, productivity and well-being. The Kestrel 5000AG calculates and logs on-site THI based on user selection of either the NRC(National Research Council, 1971) or Yousef(Yousef, 1985) accepted THI calculations. Preprogrammed THI zones are available and can aid in identification of heat stress risk category. Objective and accurate site-specific measurements are critical to ensuring a heat stress management strategy that is cost effective; and they're at your fingertips with the 5000AG.
Barn / Housing Ventilation Assessments
Regardless of the type of barn/house design all livestock require proper ventilation and air movement to maximize health, growth, and comfort. The Kestrel 5000AG provides air speed and air flow measurements to quickly quantify air movement in the vicinity of livestock, locate drafts, measure fan effectiveness and confirm duct discharge velocity. Volume air flow takes duct shape and dimensions into account and allows for accurate comparison of various locations in a system. No calculator is needed to determine airflow with the Kestrel 5000AG – a few quick menu picks and built-in averaging gives you accurate readings instantly. For ducts that are out of reach, use the Kestrel LiNK app to view your Kestrel mounted on an extension pole with the Kestrel 5 Series Clip (requires LiNK option).
Microclimate, Harvest and Storage Conditions
Many livestock professionals also grow and store grains, hay and other feedstuffs. The Kestrel 5000AG can measure micro-climates around the farm to determine where mold and disease may be a problem, ensuring conditions are right for harvesting, drying, and storage. Leave the Kestrel 5000AG in place anywhere in the field, barn or greenhouse to get a graphical history of overnight conditions, (the Kestrel 5 Series Rotating Vane Mount and a ¼-20 camera clamp or tripod makes it easy).