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Vtest DF001 pH Test Paper 0 - 14; 4 colour - Suitable for liquid fertilizer

RM 39.00

Applications: For soil, water, urine, saliva, aquarium, and laboratory use. Quickly check the pH of an aqueous solution.

Full pH measure range of 0-14 pH
4 Colour
1 Box with 100 Strips
Dimension: 7 x 9 x 1 cm
Weight: 22 g

- The indicator paper has a distinct colour scale from 0 to 14 for direct result comparisons: 0-3 indicates a very acidic substance, 4-6 indicates an acidic substance, 7 indicates neutral, 8-11 indicates alkaline, 12-14 indicates a very high level of alkalinity.
- Grow healthier plants knowing the pH level of your garden soil. Every gardener should always know the pH level of their soil. Most plants prefer slightly acidic soil, but some grow more successfully in alkaline soil. It is easy to test, very quick and inexpensive.
- The kits come with paper strips that change colour and a colour chart that tells the pH level. Once you know your soil's pH level, you can adjust it accordingly.
Wide test Applications: For soil, water, urine, saliva, aquarium, and laboratory use. Quickly check the pH of an aqueous solution.
- Universal pH measure range of 0 to 14. Four colours pH panels for easy to read against pH Color Chart Intervals. Improved panel technology for accurate pH results. Fast readout and accurate results in 5 seconds. The portable pocket box design of Universal pH Test Strips, easy to carry and use. 1 Box with 100 Strips.